Wish You Were Here

I’m almost fully recovered from my weekend getaway with the girls. We had a fantastic time! It was the first time my girlfriends and I had gone away for a weekend in…well, ever. We’re already talking about when we can schedule another getaway. There’s much ground to cover, so the recap and photos will be broken up into two (or three) separate posts. On with the photos!
Blue Ridge Mountains; Blowing Rock, NC
The Blowing Rock was one of the stops on our visit to the Blue Ridge Mountains. Everywhere you looked, there was something beautiful to see. And considering that I live at sea level, the scenery at the higher elevation was a most welcome sight. There were miles upon miles of what appeared to be untouched mountains and trees. It took my breath away, literally and figuratively–it’s tough to breath up there!
Duke University Campus
I toured the campus at Duke University for a bit while L stopped in to check on a few of her patients (although I think I would have made a darn good candy striper). Duke reminded me of what I used to imagine a college campus looked like. Love the stone buildings and the tree-lined walkways.
Stained Glass Window; Duke Univ. Chapel
Duke is home to a beautiful English Gothic inspired chapel. It has 77 stained glass windows like this one. The photo doesn’t do it justice. I loved looking at the stained glass windows at church when I was a kid instead of paying attention to Father DiLorenzo(okay, I know I’m not the only kid who wasn’t paying attention). Oh, and that reminds me–I’m supposed to go to confession.
Duke University Chapel
Here is the exterior of the Chapel. The portal features sculptures of some well known Christian reformers like Martin Luther, as well as Southern leaders like Thomas Jefferson. I was really blown away by how beautiful the campus at Duke was. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to see more of it–we had to hit the road. It was a three hour drive up to the cabin, and we were hoping to make it before it got too dark. Well that didn’t happen, but we got there just the same. More to follow…

2 thoughts on “Wish You Were Here

  1. Lynn Barry

    So…you are already plotting out the next gal pal get away…that’s so cute. It is great that you had such a wonderful time. As moms I think we forget we are people too. GOOD FOR YOU! HUGS


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